The quote by St. Ignatius of Loyola, “Go forth and set the world on fire” can best describe the group of individuals that decided to use their summer vacation to accomplish an incredible feat.
For over four decades, Belen students have participated in missionary activity in greatly impoverished areas of the Dominican Republic. In connection with other Jesuit priests of our Province (Caribbean) serving in the Dominican Republic, we have engaged our students in service to benefit rural communities in different areas of that country. Our students share life and faith and work with campesino communities, who become our teachers in the faith and friends in Christ.
From June 26 to July 4, this group will work in the hot sun to provide water for the people of La Colonia and the neighboring village of La Yuca. In all, approximately 200 families will benefit from this project.
For more information about the Belen Youth Mission Trip, please contact Mirna Menendez at