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18 donations have been made to this participant. $20.00 Marco Prieguez $20.00 Nicole Freixas $50.00 Mailly Alegret $30.00 Olga Torres $25.00 Ana Corredera $40.00 Eileen Navarro $50.00 Melissa Caceres- Barbier $20.00 Jeanne Redero $50.00 Suzy Anschutz $100.00 Sonia Martinez-Lejarza $50.00 Juanco and Kim Martinez-Lejarza $35.00 Berta Landera $50.00 Cristina & Peter Landera $100.00 Sonia Beard $20.00 Kathy Simpson $40.00 Carolina & Kyle Hinshaw $50.00 Patty Diaz $10.00 Jake Wendelken
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