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23 donations have been made to this participant. $25.00 Pedro Pelaez $50.00 Edward Mena $50.00 Miguel Carrillo $25.00 William Alberni $50.00 Danny Suarez $10.00 Raul Herrera $100.00 Mabel Alvarez $40.00 Gaston Macau $250.00 Maria Hurtado $10.00 Anonymous $50.00 Ernie Rodriguez $25.00 Anonymous $50.00 George Gonzalez $100.00 Alfredo Oliva Jr. $50.00 Daniel Garcia $50.00 Carlos Danger $50.00 Jaime Alleyn $50.00 Robert Barrueco $100.00 Pepe San Martin $50.00 Alejandro Hoyos $50.00 Fernando Font $100.00 Anonymous $15.00 Pedro Perez
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